Living in a strange world where safety is threatened

In category: News
Datum geplaatst: 25 april 2022
Leestijd: 2 minutes

Ukraine is under attack just to feed “the Ego” of some. It is time that they gain insight into the “non-sense” of war. In this turmoil, Global Pathology Support (GPS) is ploughing on to guard the safety of vaccines, medicines, and chemicals. We just finished full read evaluations of two large projects on carcinogenicity (OECD 453) and histopathology and neuropathology evaluations of one extended one generation toxicity/neurotoxicity study (OECD 443).

A chapter on liver, gallbladder, and pancreas for CRC Press/Francis-Taylor Publishers to publish in a book titled “Toxicologic Pathology: An Atlas “has been finished recently and which will be published in 2022.

GPS is also considering applying Digital Pathology, as recent developments in this area has opened doors, for not only peer review or educational pathology, but also for routine histopathology evaluations. Many publications have shown reliable assessment for different organs systems as compared to conventional (toxicologic) pathology. At the same time pragmatic gain has been established over the years in the speed, logistics and resolution of images generated by digital scanning. Many good systems are on the market like: Hamamatsu, 3DHistech, Aperio (Leica), Sectra and last but not least Phillips. Quality, inter-activity and flexibility are paramount for GPS for the use of such system as it has to match the conventional pathology assessment as close as possible in every aspect and meet the GLP-guidelines.

Other services by GPS to our clients that has already been implemented, is the histology preparation of slides from wet tissues in combination with histopathology evaluation.

Keeping up the good spirit for everyone around the world for a better and safer world, GPS keeps on contributing to our clients in the best possible ways in order to produce safe vaccines, pharmaceuticals and chemicals on a global scale.

For more information call +31 70 3142404.

Kind regards,
Dr. Bob