Board Certification for Toxicologic Pathologists in The Netherlands

In category: News
Datum geplaatst: 28 februari 2023
Leestijd: 2 minutes

ntroduction. In the eighties the role of the pathologist within the field of safety assessment of food, chemicals and pharmaceutical products became more and more important. In this period, it was recognized that there was a need for specialized pathologists being trained in pathology, toxicology, pharmacology, laboratory animal science and Good Laboratory Practice. For this reason, in 1988 the Dutch Registration Committee for Laboratory Animal Pathologists/Toxicologic Pathologists (CRP/TP: Commissie Registratie Proefdierpathologen/Toxicologisch Pathologen) was founded. This  Committee falls under the auspices of the Dutch Society of Pathology (NVvP; Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologie) and the Royal Dutch Society for Veterinary Medicine (KNMvD; Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde) and is responsible for the registration, the re-registration and the training of new laboratory animal pathologists and toxicologic pathologists.

Toxicologic pathology is a very specialized area covering both pathologic and toxicologic subjects. Therefore, in the Netherlands, the training of toxicologic pathologist is a joint responsibility of Veterinary Pathologists (united in a section of the NVvP) and registered Toxicologic Pathologists (united in a section of the Dutch Society of Toxicology; NVT). 

Training of the toxicologic pathologist. Starting from 1989 (after a “de facto” recognition of 18 pathologists working in the field of toxicologic pathology at that time), all newcomers in the field of toxicologic pathology have to follow an extensive training program that is composed, approved and controlled by the CRP/TP. The candidate should be academically educated, preferably as a veterinarian, but medical doctors, or medical biologists may be accepted as trainee based on their pathology- and/or toxicology-related knowledge and experience. The training program comprises at least 4 years and consists partly of courses, but the major part consists of on-the job-training supervised by an experienced Board Certified Toxicologic Pathologist. The training program is additionally monitored by an external tutor. After successful completion of the training program, the candidate will be accredited and registered as Board Certified Toxicologic Pathologist (‘CRP/TP Board Certified Toxicologic Pathologist’). A re-registration procedure every 5 years warrants active participation and abiding proficiency of the registered toxicologic pathologist within his/her profession.

As a Board Certified Toxicologic Pathologist, in about 30 years now, Dr. Thoolen worked (for EU, USA, including China) on many preclinical (sub-) chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies which are valid for registration world-wide (see “studies track record”). These studies are valid for all 38 OECD-countries including FDA ( according to the Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) Decision).

Dr. Thoolen received is first registration in 1993, and the latest re-registration as Board Certified Toxicologic Pathologist (CRP/TP) was in 2022 (2022-2027).